Saturday, May 18, 2013

Air Buns ( Nigerian Puff Puff)

I made puff last Sunday, my nieces came over to my house and I wanted to make a fast snack that was easy to make and didn't involved the oven. Puff puff is very easy to make and it involves very little washing up which is very ok by me.

If you are familiar with Nigerian snacks, have you ever noticed that we don’t usually have a structured recipe for many of our street snacks? It is usually just put this, this and that you basically eye ball all the ingredients! I have tried to get a recipe for puff puff and it was always the same answer just put flour, sugar, yeast, water, etc. No right recipe even food bloggers all seem to differ in their recipes. The only consolation is that puff unlike cake or bread is a hassle free pastry.

So after some experimentation I came up with this recipe which I keep tweaking whenever I want to make another batch and depending on whom am serving the ingredients changes! But this is the one kids love more, because it's so sweet.


4 cups Flour

1.5 cups Sugar

1 tsp salt

1/4 to 3/4 cup warm water

1.5 tbsp yeast

1 tsp dry pepper (optional)

Vegetable oil for deep frying

1. Mix the yeast with 1/4 cup of water put a little sugar on top set aside. This would help to quickly activate the yeast.

2. Let it stand for about 5 minutes.

3. Sift the flour, sugar and salt into a large bowl.

4. Pour in the yeast mixture into the dry mixture and stir, gradually pouring in the remaining water, do not pour all the water at once just do it gradually. If you want the puff puff to be very light and airy add more water but if you want it a bit stiffer then go gently with the water.

5. Add the pepper for a little kick

6. Allow to prove for about 30 minutes to an hour

7. Heat the oil for frying to a high temperature then scoop small balls and drop into the oil. Make sure that it's small because it puffs up in the oil as it fries.

8. Once it turns golden brown scoop out and drain the puff puffs.

9. Once drained roll in a bed of sugar and serve with an iced cold drink

10. Ebe ano!

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